
for Women

4 months journey


taking your feminine power to the next level

Feeling your body resourced and rejuvenated by the deliciousness of your sensuality

Feeling fully alive in your senses and feeling all of life flowing through you

Feeling your heart wide open to the world

Attracting and engaging with high caliber men that are ready/ worthy to be with you

Discovering new layers of pleasure that you have never imagined before

Feeling sovereign in your own healing, your kundalini energy taking you to those beautiful place of deep self healing

EMbracing all of life, the light the darkness, the pleasure the pain with ease and grace

Knowing how to alchemize your emotions and use them as messengers of wisdom and big portals for healing

Fall in love with every inch your body

YOUR inner journey

Beloved queen, it will be a true honor to guide in this journey of reclamation

I believe I can only take you to places inside of you where I have been myself…

and believe me, my background had been dense and sticky when it came to my feminine.

I used to believe that the only way to live is through hustle and that we are here to renounce to my inner joy and my human life in order to be spiritual…

Until I discovered through tao and tantric arts that I can have it all..

the earthy, pleasurable, sexual, messy, emotionnal, celebrative exprerience (sexual energy, eros)

and the cosnciouness, awarness, stillness, divine fully of light experiencE 

I have healed sexual trauma

I do what I Love and turns my soul on fire

I feel my body fully ecstatic all day long

I love to connect to my emotions and I use them to heal and action the most aligned version of myself

I feel abundant as all my vision is drawn to me effrtlessly

I am fully expressed in my sensuality, sexuality and creativity

I learned to embrace pain and pleasure equally and I also learned to feel them simulteneouasly for healing… what a blessing…

I truly love my life…

And all this is your birthright…

This is the most intimate & deepest way to work with me over a customised high level container

Coming into union with me…
What a relief it was!!!
Today life tastes so different..

During this mentorship you will

Have a safe and potent space to surrender into a beautiful space guided by me

Through rituals and ceremonies we will embrace the “healing through feeling “

You will be guided through taoist practices to awaken your sexual energy

You will lean the art of sublimating energy into higher states of consciousness and experience the divine realms through the wisdom of your body.

Practice empowerment of your body, your voices, expressing your needs desires, boundaries in attunement of your body’s wisdom…. in truly leaning to listen inward.

Lean beautiful tools of emotional alchemy and intelligence and use them as rocket fuel for alignment and purpose.

Learn the art of orgasmic manifestation and how to channel your sexual energy to magnetize your highest dreams and visions of life

MODULE 1 – Emotional alchemy and healing shadow work

A deep journey into healing your feminine and your masculine through beautiful somatic practices, womb rituals, yoni eggs practices, and emotional alchemy techniques to brings these fragmented part of you into the light of consciousness.
It’s healing through feeling… potent, radical and powerful

MODULE 2 – Empowerment

This module is about speaking out and embodying your YES and you NO, expressing your desires, needs and boundaries and understanding what are the situations where you give you power back to people…
Owning these situations through scénarios practices and speak out your most untamed truth in the most moving and compassionate way.

MODULE 3 – Sexual energy activation and mastery

The most important concept of Tao and tantric arts is to sublimate energy, ie learning to circulate into your whole body
In this module we will start activating your erotic energy so you can learn to tap into it whenever you need to charge yourself and then sublimate and corculte to reach thoses extroardinary states of expansion and divine ecstasy.
We will use tools such erotic dance, floor movement, qi qong, breathe, and tantric touch.

MODULE 4 – Orgasmic manifestation and life purpose alignement

This module is about speaking out and embodying your YES and you NO, expressing your desires, needs and boundaries and understanding what are the situations where you give you power back to people…
Owning these situations through scénarios practices and speak out your most untamed truth in the most moving and compassionate way.

YOU ARE INVITED To unlocking the powerful feminine codes within you & begin master your life in this female sacred body…

It’s time to embody the woman you were born to be, Sovereign, open, fully expressed & free


A free discovery call

4 months of close and intimate relationship with me where I will share with all that I am

Weekly in person sessions or visio calls  for 4 months

Unlimited in-between sessions support via voice and text messages on what’s up

Homework to support your growth and expansion

A Limited access to my library of online practices 

7000 dhs per month for 4 months